A Season of Christmas Images
to Help Nourish Your Soul

Week Two (Peace)
We continue our spiritual passage toward Christmas by noticing the “spiritual” in the abundance of holiday images that surround us.  Some will be obvious, but others may require more reflection.  Be aware about where and when and how you feel Christ’s Spirit moving deep inside this week. 
As a way to prompt your attentiveness, you are invited to reflect on one faith-inspired symbol or idea each day by reading a brief seasonal observation, followed by a prayer.  Then hopefully you might take a few minutes to contemplate how God may be speaking to you through the image, and perhaps even write a few of your feelings and thoughts to reflect on later.  Blessings.

Sunday, December 8
It’s hard to imagine Christmas time without a decorated evergreen tree – such an endearing and enduring symbol.  Wherever we see one, at home, church, city hall, or mall, it bids us to pause and gaze at its lights and ornaments.  Symbolically, the evergreen suggests Creator’s enduring devotion to all creation, and spiritually, those moments can serve as opportunities to prayerfully consider God’s everlasting love for us.
Enduring Wellspring of Love, as I contemplate your compassionate presence upholding me this season, I regard with gratitude the evergreen, and how it helps me appreciate your gift.

Monday, December 9
It feels like we are more welcoming at this time of the year.  Greeting friends and strangers alike with holiday cheer.  Sending good wishes far and near.  Opening our hearts to receive the Christ-child.  The Bible story of pregnant Mary greeting her cousin Elizabeth is filled with such joy and loving emotion.  The Holy Spirit embraces Elizabeth, and she exclaims, “Blessed are you!”  Maybe our gracious welcoming of one another will remind us how we bless them and how they bless us.
Welcoming Spirit, may your openhearted embrace I feel deep within at this time of year inspire me to express Christmas cheer to others as an intentional act of your blessing.

Tuesday, December 10
Lighting a candle seems to create intimate space, especially as winter shadows lengthen.  The flicker of its warm glow suggests the Bible’s wisdom, “the light that shines in our darkness.”  Spiritually, burning a candle can quietly focus our attention in times of prayer.  Try lighting one as a regular part of your Advent devotions and notice how gazing on its flame softens your heart and quiets your soul.  “How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given.” (from the carol, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”)
Whispering Light, shine deep within my heart today.  Beckon me into your intimate presence so I can renew my trust in your goodness and be illumined by your grace.

Wednesday, December 11
As Christmas approaches our thoughts seem to turn again toward family, and what they mean to us.  Perhaps we have in mind the Holy Family, Mary and Joseph anxiously awaiting the birth of their first child; or maybe remembering Mary’s extended family and the joy of reconnecting with Elizabeth.  As you ponder who you include as family this season, imagine a Spirit-inspired way of reaching out anew.
Divine Parent of our human family, reveal to me meaningful ways to show my love and care to those in my family circle, especially to those who may not be blood relations.

Thursday, December 12
Peace is the theme dedicated to the second week of Advent.  In worship we lit the Peace candle on our Advent wreathe honouring the One whom we call Prince of Peace, Jesus.  But what might the Prince of Peace encourage you to be doing in these days leading up to Christmas?  What simple act of good will and healing is Jesus’ peace-filled Spirit bidding you to consider?
Prince of Peace, whose heart pulses deep within me, I’m grateful for your encouragement to be a channel of your peace in my daily living with those near and far during these holy days.

Friday, December 13
Imagining the smell of Christmas cookies baking in the kitchen is enough to get most of us in the Spirit.  And whether giving or receiving those little delicacies, the tradition of sharing goodness with others resonates within us.  This is what Christmas is all about.  This is who we are.  And baking Christmas goodies for others is a living metaphor of our mission in life.
Inspiration of All Good, fill me with the scent of chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven and show me ways to generously yet gently share kindness with someone near me today.

Saturday, December 14
Since Christmas, 1723, Bach’s Magnificat has touched the hearts of many during the holidays. [Listen]  The music gives voice to Mary’s Song of Praise, “My soul doth magnify the Lord”* in response to her unexpected pregnancy.  Can you contemplate how your soul might magnify the Lord, regardless of whatever disruptions, disappointments, or unexpected surprises you may experience this season?  (from Luke 1:46-55)
O Mighty One, you are doing great things in me and my spirit rejoices in your goodness and favour.  Inspire my living that my soul will magnify you, so I may be a blessing to others.