Daily Advent Reflections 2024 (Week 3)
A Season of Christmas Images
to Help Nourish Your Soul
Week Three (Joy)
We are over halfway through Advent on our way to Christmas and the New Year. The holiday images we have already explored in weeks one and two serve as markers on our spiritual journey and hopefully we have found nourishment for our souls along the way.
As you travel onward, you are encouraged to continue reflecting on the symbols and words that are still to come. Take some time each day to sit quietly with each image; notice what you feel deep within your heart; contemplate how God may be speaking to you; trust in the blessings being revealed as you carry on toward Christmas.
Sunday, December 15
Angels are God’s messengers. And at Christmas time they seem to be everywhere. They’re dreamlike whisperers of promise to Mary and Joseph. Multitudes of them fill the heavens with songs of praise and pronouncement for shepherds. They appear in pageants and carols and décor. But what angelic message are you hearing this year? What might God be sharing with you and what difference would that make? Who could be God’s messenger in your life today?
Holy Word at the very heart of angel voices, prepare my ears to hear, my spirit to respond, and my life to engage the Good News you so graciously share with me and all creation.
Monday, December 16
Candy canes seem like such curious Christmas treats. Their white and red stripes may suggest Jesus’ faithfulness and sacrifice for others. Their shape, like a shepherd’s staff, may remind us that he’s the Good Shepherd (they can look like “J” for Jesus or Joy). But regardless of their symbolism, when you see one (or better yet, taste one), what if you pause for a moment to simply give thanks for this playful reminder.
Jesus Shepherd, I am grateful for the good your life inspires, even in the simplest of my Christmas experiences. So, I choose to live my gratitude by sharing goodness with others in simple ways.
Tuesday, December 17
According to Matthew’s gospel, these wise ones travelled from afar to greet Jesus in Bethlehem with exotic gifts fit for a king. Imagine how long these wisdom seekers must have followed the star until they found him. By taking our spiritual journey seriously in this season, we are in good company with those who, through the ages, have grounded their faith in both heaven and heart.
God of heaven and heart, bless this path I’m travelling. Shine your heavenly light so I may see the blessings that may not be obvious. Assure my heart of your guidance and peace along the way.
Wednesday, December 18
Pause for a few minutes, remembering a Christmas ornament that touches your heart. Perhaps it’s one hanging on your tree right now; or maybe it’s just a memory of one from another time and place. Why is it so special to you? What feelings does it summon deep inside? Can you notice God quietly sharing in your reverie? Is it possible to have a “show and tell” with family or friends, and allow the goodness you feel to inspire a sacred moment of togetherness?
Divine Caretaker of every human memory, hold me gently so I can feel your goodness in my holiday keepsakes; then energize me to bless others by asking about their favourite ones.
Thursday, December 19
Do you notice any difference between “happy” and “joy”? Spiritually speaking, perhaps feeling happy is more of an emotional response when experiencing pleasure in everyday life, while feeling joy comes when you trust in God’s never-ending love for you, whatever your daily circumstances might be. Sure, life can bring you happiness, but real joy is that feeling of God’s constant reminder to you, born from deep within every day.
Eternal Spirit of Joy, awaken me every morning with your promise of heartfelt love for me and all others; may this joyous affirmation motivate my living as I follow your path to Christmas.
Friday, December 20
Christmas gift wrapping became popular in Victorian England during the 19th Century. People believed it demonstrated care and consideration for those receiving holiday presents. As you’re wrapping this year, hold each person you’re gifting in a prayer of loving kindness, and make your prayer an intentional yet private act accompanying each present.
Generous Giver of all good gifts, enfold in your loving embrace the one whose gift I wrap today. Bring each one peace, joy and trust in your care and compassion this season.
Saturday, December 21
Our Christmas observances are born in Bethlehem. Bible stories of Jesus being born there made this humble village legendary. But a line in the carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem, compels us to pause and prayerfully reflect – “the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.” Can you imagine how your hopes and your fears actually converge? They meet in the all-encompassing heart of God where both are welcomed with grace and encouragement.
God of Bethlehem, of humble stable and holy birth, welcome me in your loving embrace just as I am, with all my hope and all my fear; whisper your promise that I too am your beloved child.