
Daily Advent Reflections 2024 (Week 1)

A Season of Christmas Images
to Help Nourish Your Soul

Week One (Hope)
Take a few moments this week to notice the abundance of holiday images that have already appeared throughout your day, both secular and sacred. Be mindful about your responses, especially how they make you feel spiritually within your heart.
Over the next five weeks you are invited to reflect on many of the faith-inspired symbols and words of the season.  Each day includes a brief spiritual observation, followed by a prayer. Then hopefully you might take a few minutes to contemplate how God may be speaking to you through the image.  Blessings to you for a meaning-filled Christmas season.

Sunday, December 1
These nighttime heavenly lights capture our vision in a way that is both mysterious and miraculous.  They remind us of what is beyond what we can see, and what shines deep in our hearts.  Like the Magi, our journey toward Christmas is guided by a sacred star, and wherever it leads, we trust will be full of light and grace.
Spirit-Light both far and near, shine your truth on my way, that I may sense your invitation to open my mind and heart to the possibilities of a Christmas season in your presence.

Monday, December 2
It seems like Christmas wreathes are everywhere, and yet we hardly pause long enough to wonder what they invite us to consider.  Traditionally, the evergreen branches suggest vibrant life through all seasons, fashioned in a circle which honours Creator God whose love knows no beginning or end.  Every wreathe we see beckons our prayerful thanks for life and love.
Creator, thank you for this life I share with all that encircles me.  Encourage me to embrace love’s blessings through this season and to trust in your eternal promise to renew me along the way.

Tuesday, December 3
Advent means “arrival.” For Christians this is the season leading up to the birth of Jesus and his arrival as a fellow human being on earth, the One whose life gives meaning and purpose to our own lives.  It marks the beginning of our renewed adventure in living faithfully in Christ’s Spirit by sharing this goodness we have received with others.
Christ Jesus, during this pregnant time of holy waiting, slow my busy-ness, calm my anxiety, and help me discover anew the adventure of truly feeling what’s happening deep in my soul.

Wednesday, December 4
These sacred songs of Christmas echo through our memories in word and tune, “O come, O come Emmanuel.”  Whatever favourite carols catch your attention and draw you into that soulful mood this season, take time to savour the heartfelt emotions that emerge.  Pause long enough to quietly hum along, “Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.”
Come, Emmanuel, “God with us,” and sing your promise into my heart, that you are always with me and I am never alone.  Lift me up so I can sing with the angels, “Gloria, in excelsis Deo!”

Thursday, December 5
In church, hope is the word assigned to the first Sunday in Advent.  It reminds us that we are in a time of sacred anticipation and spiritual expectation that some good is coming in the midst of our worry and discomfort.  That’s what we’re waiting and searching for – evidence of how God’s goodness and grace are already working within us to embody hope in our everyday living.
Loving Source of goodness and grace, continue to breathe hope into my life, help me to trust my spiritual instincts, and give me the desire to spread your kindness as my gift of hope to others.

Friday, December 6
Our beloved stories of Jesus’ birth begin with the wisdom of ancient prophets, foretelling the arrival of the One from God who will guide us to a life of wholeness and wellbeing.  When Jesus came, many saw him as the fulfillment of those prophecies.  Today, as you consider who Jesus is for you, perhaps the longing you feel is inviting you to explore God’s prophecy/promise for your life and inspiring you to ponder anew what God’s Christmas wish for you might be.
“O Come, O Wisdom from on high. To me the path of knowledge show; and teach me in her ways to go.”*  Help me imagine your wish for my life this Advent season.
*from the carol, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

Saturday, December 7
Life is a daily journey, including for many of us, a spiritual one.  The Christmas story is filled with voyages and passages of all kinds – Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, the magi trekking from afar in search of the Christ-child, the shepherds wandering from the fields to the manger, the Holy Family fleeing to Egypt as refugees.  Consider what kind of journey you are on this season, and how will you make it a more spiritual one?
Spirit-Companion on my Advent journey, reveal your guiding presence to me each day along the way.  Help me discover how you are feeding my soul and encouraging my choices.