Contemplative Prayer

Prayer takes many forms, and meditation has been part of the Christian tradition since ancient times. It is very similar to Mindfulness Meditation, a practice that many will be familiar with. The difference might be that the mindfulness part is about centering on our relationship with God. In Christian meditation, we ask God to be present with us, with love and compassion and acceptance. Experiencing this helps us to be loving and compassionate and accepting in our daily life—a hope that many have to help them cope with life in general.

In Christian Contemplative Prayer, the practice includes the reading and contemplation of scripture, known as lectio divina. In our sessions at Orleans United Church, we begin with a check-in with one another—a way of sharing our burdens with a supportive community. Then, we listen to the scripture passage, following the reading with a short period of personal meditation. This is followed by a longer “mindful meditation” —usually about fifteen minutes. Many people wonder about that long silence, but practitioners find that being in the present moment in the presence of God, allows that time to become what is known as kairos time—like “no time at all.” 

The prayer time is closed with a short group conversation, then a blessing as we “return to the world.”
The Contemplative Prayer sessions are held on ZOOM at 1:30pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, and last for one hour. If you would like to join this group, please contact the Office. All are welcome.

Rev. Janet Nield is a diaconal minister, and a Voluntary Associate Minister with Orleans United Church.